Friday 28 February 2014

Use the list below to explore possible motivations and determine what has the biggest impact on you and your desire to succeed.

Money: Is wealth, paying off debts, or living luxuriously a motivator for you?
Society: Are you driven by the desire to solve a common problem or improve the lives of others?
Family: Are you building a legacy you can pass down to your children? Are you starting a business to support or honor your family in some way?
Expectations: Do you worry about fulfilling the needs of others or what others will think about you if you fail? What are your expectations for yourself?
Consequences: Are you afraid of what may happen if you don’t start a business and become successful?
Pride: Pride in yourself and your work can be a powerful motivator for many. Is it for you?
Passion: Does love for what you do give you the fight to be able to work through the challenges?
Credibility: Do you look at this business as a way to solidify your credibility or establish yourself as an expert?
Challenge: Do you thrive on the challenge? Do you purposefully take on initiatives that will stretch you and provide learning opportunities?

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