Friday 23 May 2014

How to Come Up With a Business Idea.

Create an idea or product that you believe can be successful. This is easier said than done. Coming up with a viable product or idea is sometimes harder than constructing a business plan. Having a good
business plan is important for every entrepreneur, but what if you do not have an idea upon which to build a plan?


  1. Come Up With a Business Idea Step 1.jpg
    Get your creative juices flowing. There are many different ways to accomplish this task. Play a game, read a book, paint a picture, play a sport, etc. The point is, do something that gets you thinking and then focus that energy into creating an idea/concept/product. Expose yourself to many different environments that are outside of your comfortable zone. Get more engaged with your hobbies. Expertise will help get closer to a viable business idea. Do not try to force an idea to occur because this will usually result in bad ideas! Take your time, focus your thought, and create the right product for you.
  2. Come Up With a Business Idea Step 2.jpg
    Know your limits. Determining these factors will help you focus your thought process. For example, if you are interested in computers, but have no education or experience with computers outside of internet surfing or word processing, it will be difficult to create a marketable idea for computer software components. Keep your thought process reasonable. In other words, do not let your imagination run wild. When you become good at creating ideas, then you can let your imagination do some work, but not at first.
  3. Come Up With a Business Idea Step 3.jpg
    Seize upon any inspiration. Sometimes, ideas will pop up at the oddest times. Get a small notebook to carry around with you and write ideas in. This way you can look at your notebook and later begin to develop your idea. Ask yourself, what types of businesses would you use? What are some common issues that your associated complain about that could be solved through a business.
  4. Come Up With a Business Idea Step 4.jpg
    Identify a problem. Think about how you can make the world a better place with your invention or business idea. Your business should revolutionize the way we live life, even if it's just a small way. For example, if you are interested in cooking, maybe you have a problem with the way an oven can dry out a chicken when cooking. Now that you have identified a problem, brainstorm and think of as many solutions as possible. It does not matter how crazy the solution is, just think about them and write them down. After you have written down every possible solution, no matter how crazy, go through the list and find the solution that you feel you can best accomplish. Surprise! You have probably come up with an original idea. This does not mean that you should pitch this idea tomorrow. All this means is that you should develop your idea, mold your idea, and perfect your idea into something you think people would buy if in the market. Also, this way of thinking will get your creative juices flowing. You may find yourself traveling a different path from your original field of interest. If this occurs, follow the thought until completion. You may be surprised where it leads!
  5. Come Up With a Business Idea Step 5.jpg
    Study demographics to see which type of customers will appreciate your business idea the most. Businesses generally appeal to a specific set of demographics before they become viral. Decide if your idea has the potential to be viral among a small group of people. Think about your potential competition for the same demographics and how you can set yourself apart from them.


  • Write down ideas when they hit or sit down, focus on your thought, find a problem, think of a solution, and develop your original idea.
  • Do not expect miracles the first time. Go through the process and everything should work out.
  • Do not force your ideas, take a break if you need one, and be patient!
  • In a while the results will show on the target market for the product based on the demand, climate, and customer preference.
  • Another viable option is to let your imagination run wild at first, but then bring it back to reality during the idea elimination process.


  • Make sure to develop your idea before you attempt to write a business plan around it.
Credit: WikiHow.

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