Thursday 8 May 2014

14 Ways to Make Your Small Business Stand Out.

shooting star thumb 14 Ways to Make Your Small Business Stand Out.
Mediocrity is not an option. It shouldn’t be in your personal or business vocabulary. Websites Giveback is obsessed with our reputation and we do everything possible to excel in our niche. We do this because we know we must to play in the game; to be a step ahead of our competition; and because we care about clients and about our reputation. You’ve nurtured your business like one of
your children or family member; it’s your dreams made real, so why wouldn’t you do everything in your ability to make it the best, make it stand out above the rest!?

Here a few suggestions to be make your business stellar (remember, nothing worth having comes easy – it’s work!) …
  • Develop a cohesive brand. Make all the pieces fit from your logo, to your website, to your business cards.
  • Be memorable by crafting a relevant, sticky tagline.
  • Make sure your customer service is superior on all levels!
  • Don’t be too casual. Be a gentleman or be a lady, respect your elders; and hold yourself, your employees and your company to a higher standard.
  • Nurture all relationships no matter how busy you are. Treasure each one and give them the attention they deserve.
  • Know who your competitors are and more importantly know their strengths and weaknesses. Then find a way to match or exceed their strengths and build up their weaknesses.
  • Know your strengths and build upon them. Work on your weaknesses and always work to improve and eventually eliminate them.
  • Never get too comfortable (that’s the kiss of death).
  • Do the unexpected. Remember it’s the little things.
  • Be social. Utilize all available social media options to reach your customer base and value the relationships you do have.
  • Cover your bases. Tie up any loose ends.
  • Get involved in your community.
  • Be humble.
  • Give without getting. Never expect a return or think someone owes you something.
Make today memorable!

Credit to Elena.

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