Thursday 10 April 2014

How To Find Investors.

Hi friends,
I know we all have this issue one way or the other. we all long to get investors to grow our dream business and here are ways that can help. please read this article by Ryan Caldbeck.


I have written a lot in this space about the myriad of considerations entrepreneurs must grapple with when they raise outside capital: When should I raise money? At what valuation? Should I sell control
or a minority stake? While all these questions are absolutely critical, there is a key consideration that precedes these questions: how do I find investors? While some people might advise you that all money is green and $5 million from investor A is the same as $5 million from investor B, this could not be further from the truth. As you will hear many private investors say, equity investing in a private company is similar in many ways to a marriage; you are together, through good and bad, for many years.

This post is written with a focus on companies looking for institutional capital (i.e. private equity, venture capital, etc).   Having said that, many of the points are still relevant for those seeking individual investors – whether through an angel group or an equity-crowdfunding site.

Below are five considerations every entrepreneur must think about when raising institutional capital.

1)      Who are your mentors? Before you start meeting with potential investors, a great first step is to find industry mentors, both on the operating and investing side, who can serve as “honest brokers” for you throughout your fundraising process. These mentors could be entrepreneurs in your industry who have successfully raised capital in the past, investment professionals who you respect but are not necessarily an option for you, investment bankers, or others with the expertise and experience to guide you. These folks, who most likely have been through fundraising processes, are a great jumping-off point for understanding the relevant investor universe and best fits for investment bankers in your space.

2)      What do you want in an investor? Sure, all cars can get you from point A to point B, but the style, handling and experience along the journey—as well as the likely maintenance required— will be very different depending on the make and model you choose. The same can be said of the entrepreneur’s journey from point A (investment) to point B (exit). As an entrepreneur, you need to ask yourself if you want an activist investor who will be on calls with you several times a week and help you make “in the weeds” decisions on issues like pricing, suppliers and new hires, or if you want passive capital that will write you a check and only see you four times per year at board meetings.

Or, perhaps you want a firm that has deep experience in your sector, or a firm that has deep experience in a distant location where your company hopes to expand. There is no right answer to the type of investor question, but aligning yourself with an investor who shares your vision is a great foundation for a successful partnership. The first step in doing so, of course, is for you to decide yourself what you want and need.  Make sure you conduct reference calls with several of the potential investor’s current and former portfolio companies to understand the firm’s style, and, more specifically, the style of the specific investor who will be leading the investment in your company.

For smaller companies that are deciding on an equity-crowdfunding site or other ways to receive investment from individual investors, think through the backgrounds of the investors and the platforms themselves.  If you’re going to a crowdfunding site, have they helped raise money for companies that look like yours?  If its an angel group, how many investments have they made in the past 12 months that are similar to your company.

3)      How much money are you raising? If you are raising $2 million, your potential investor-set will be very different than if you are raising $10 million. Most firms need to put a defined minimum amount of equity capital to work in each deal, so you don’t want to find yourself raising $2 million but pitching to a firm who needs to put $10 million to work in a platform deal. They’re probably only meeting with you to learn about your company or they view your company as an add-on for an existing portfolio company. Similarly, if a firm’s average check size is $50 million and they are willing to write checks for as little as $10 million—which happens to be what you are raising—you need to understand the implications of this: the firm will likely pay much less attention to its investment in you because you are a much smaller portion of their fund, so if their investment in your company does not succeed, it’s less impactful than if one of their $50 million investments falters.

Another scenario is you may plan to operate your company at a loss for the next few years to invest in sales and marketing, which would require equity to plug the loss.  Some firms might tell you they are okay with this strategy, but make sure that they have done it before; otherwise this will cause uncomfortable conversations every time you need a new capital infusion.

4)      Understand the Comps. No matter how unique your company is, there are comparable companies who have raised capital in your space. Their products may be different, but there are almost certainly companies that have served either the same market, need-state or customer-set that you serve. In the consumer industry in particular, comps can be hard to come by, and many entrepreneurs only hear about the once-in-a-generation type of valuations that companies like vitaminwater have received—valuations that unrealistically raise an entrepreneur’s expectations (disclosure: my prior firm, TSG Consumer Partners, invested in vitaminwater).

To obtain a more realistic comp set, look at the ten companies in your space whose growth trajectory you most admire—companies that are a few years ahead of you in their lifecycle. Presumably a few of these companies have raised money: find out the investors they raised money from when the brands were your size.  Google GOOG +1.65% might be your best friend in this process. Look at the investment bankers they used. You will usually be able to access some valuation information through these channels—especially through a great mentor. While you probably won’t raise capital from the same investors, you can learn which investors lost out on the opportunity to invest, which ones are still bullish on the space, and which investors have a similar profile to those that did invest in your competitors. Then, you can seek them out.

5)      Get out and Pitch! By this point, you should have a good list of investors who invest in companies in your industry and life-stage with the same needs your company presently has. In other words, you should know what companies have a history of having invested in businesses similar to your own. Once you have this list together, go out and start pitching a few of the “tier three” investors on your list—the investors that you would take money from if all else fails but are not at the top of your consideration set. You will learn how investors think and what questions they will home in on so you can refine your presentation for the investors you may later target. If you decide to raise capital from angels and not private equity firms, consider going out first to successful industry gurus who can provide both capital and invaluable credibility to your fundraising. If you are a skincare company who has raised even $10,000 from Bare Escentuals founder Leslie Blodgett, that will serve as a powerful signaling device to other investors; in investing—more so than almost any other industry—success begets success.

Like a marriage, if your values, personalities and needs are not aligned, it can spell disaster for the union. Because of this, it is critical that you search diligently to find the right investor(s) for your company. The capital can come through an equity crowd funding site, an individual angel, a private equity firm or other sources. Hopefully, however, you will have made your decision after having considered the points in this article.

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